Monday, September 10, 2012

Do you follow through when asked to pray for someone?

When someone asks for prayer or states a prayer request, do you really listen?  Do you actually fulfill your promise to pray for them or the request? 

When you tell a friend, “call me if there is anything you need”, do you actually mean it?  Do you follow through?

Have you ever wondered whether or not your prayers make a difference? Do you want to pray more for others, but aren't sure where to begin? Or are you more like so many Christians; taking the time to pray for your own needs, but failing to cover others in prayer?

In the book of Luke (chapter 5, verses 17-26) we read about four loyal friends who carried their paralyzed friend on a mat to see Jesus. They were seeking healing on their friend’s behalf, and when they encountered difficulty in getting to Jesus, they persevered and found another way. In the end, Jesus healed the paralytic. And the Word says Jesus healed him because of the faith of his four friends.

With regard to your prayer life, let's think about these four friends. They were not like Job's friends, questioning the cause of the situation and attempting to cajole a confession of sin from their friend. Instead they were his friend in and through his need, and when they heard about Jesus they took their friend to Him. And they persisted in finding a way to get their friend to Jesus, even in an embarrassing way. (When is the last time you ripped a hole in someone's roof and "dropped in"?)

We can, and we should, pray for the needs of our friends, bringing those needs before the Lord with persistence and faith. One day, in eternity, we may well find out how many miracles were due to the prayers of friends and how many miracles were not. Don't miss out on an opportunity to do good deeds when you have the chance; this applies to all of life, including your prayer life.

So let me encourage you to spend time in prayer for the needs of your friends, the needs of your family, your own personal needs, and even the needs of your enemies. And thank the Lord for friends who have labored in prayer on your behalf. What a blessing godly friends are!

©Betty Jean Bowers

Saturday, September 8, 2012

A soul mate or just a mate?

The idea/definition/meaning of a soul mate is something that’s been written and romanticized about since the beginning of man. We all wade through this world looking for some sort of companionship or love. The main concept of a soul mate: a person one shares a feeling of deep and natural affinity, love, intimacy, sexuality, spirituality, and/or compatibility.

Now, I do not subscribe to the traditional interpretation of a soul mate. That is to say, I don’t necessarily believe there is only one person you’re destined to be with for the rest of your life. I’ll go even further and say I believe a person can have multiple/different soul mates in their lifetime. As big as the world is I find it hard to believe that we are only truly compatible with one person. I also believe you can love more than one person throughout your life.

People yearning for a soul mate and searching for “the one” is not happenstance. I believe people think of the soul mates like The Gatekeeper and The Keymaster from the movie Ghostbusters. In the movie two characters are possessed by demons. These demons were sent out to find each other because they were “soul mates” and could bring the end of the world. The Keymaster (Rick Moranis) searched aimlessly throughout New York City looking for his “soul mate” the Gatekeeper (Sigourney Weaver). I think many of us have that perspective on relationships: that there is one man searching for you or one woman waiting for you because you are kindred spirits meant to be together.

A while ago, I was out on a date.  I asked him why his past relationship didn’t last and he explained (for a VERY long period of time) how they weren’t equally yoked and were incompatible. I asked him, “What, exactly, does that mean?” He began a long tirade, detailing monotonous nonsensical things that don’t mean anything important to a relationship at the end of the day (my words, not his).  Needless to say, we didn't date again.  He was just too wrapped up in himself.

Now, I am not saying we shouldn’t have things in common with our mate but I do think as a society we take that ideal too far. We watch too many movies and read too many books that build upon the pipe dream that there’s only one person for us. We think that our soul mate has all the same things in common, like watching the TV show NCIS, they’re a Georgia Bulldog fan, and they love Alabama music as much as we do. 

A soul mate is bigger than Romeo and Juliet, two star crossed lovers meant to be together against all odds. We need to let go of all these preconceived notions. The meaning of a soul mate is on metaphysical level that takes time to understand. That process begins through learning and understanding ourselves, a deeper knowledge of who we are. A soul mate should be a person whose soul has grown with yours and has become intertwined. A soul mate is one who is able to evolve with us, mind, body, and soul. This is done through hard work, choice, and spiritual consciousness. Many of us will never be able to find our soul mate because we are incomplete. How can we help complete someone’s soul when we aren’t striving to become more complete?

The following two quotes give a clear and precise explanation of my beliefs. The first is a post from Zo Williams, a speaker on Sirius’ Satellite Foxxhole radio. He has a weekly relationship show called “The Voice of Reason”: 

“In my opinion there has always been only one soul which is the source of all things.  It is God himself.  In the world of relationships a soul mate isn’t someone you meet, it’s someone you recognize!!!!  It’s someone you divinely know by way of intimately knowing yourself!  This is the only way to “recognize” a soul mate, by my logic if there is only one divine SOUL which everyone shares, it then stands to reason that one may have more than one soul mate by way of recognition of the one soul in all people places & things. The reason behind the belief that one only has one soul mate, or one shot at true love is linked to the extreme difficulty linked with the process (More of self-realization, or self-actualization). Most people struggle to reach a place of dynamic self-awareness, so then relationship becomes or is imagined to be solely a place of refuge where one can accumulate social images and cultural roles as a means of protecting themselves from the fear of not having a comprehensive knowledge of one’s self! A soul mate isn’t only limited to two beings…If you are aware of the soul in yourself, you then have the capacity to become aware of the one soul in all.”

All this to say, you can’t really find your soul mate until you yourself are complete within yourself.  There is no one perfect.  You both must be able to grow together.  Yes, I believe God has the mate or mates out there he has for your future.  But remember the adage that God puts people in your life for a reason, a season or a life-time.  You may grow apart or you may outlive a mate and God may have others in your future.

©Betty Jean Bowers


Thursday, September 6, 2012

There is a God; you are not Him

There is a God; you are not Him

One of the best things I learned at Brewton-Parker was when a professor wrote on the board "There is a God. You are not Him." Boy has that proven true! Over the years I've discovered how unwise, inexperienced, and ignorant I really am. Also, I've noticed that God doesn't consult me with making decisions about running the universe. And, if that isn't humiliating enough, He doesn't take any of my suggestions about how things ought to be in my own life. I don't understand why God doesn't take my suggestions. But, it comes down to one thing: There is a God. I am not Him!

The Mormons teach you can become gods. The New Agers teach that you are, basically, already god(s) in nature. Certain heretical "Christian" teachers on TV say we are little gods. And, some religions teach that when you die you join with the god-consciousness so you can "realize your full potential in oneness with the divine essence"...or whatever that means. They sure have high opinions of themselves.

When I look inside, I don't find a divine nature. I find a sinner, a person who is struggling with sin and hoping to please the true God as he stumbles through life. I also find the indwelling Lord who has cleansed me and continues to cleanse me of my sins. Praise is to Jesus.

"There is a God. You are not Him," is a delightful piece of truth. Think about it. Who created the universe? Was it the infinite and wise God, or was it me... or you? I have not heard whether if God consulted any of you about how universe should be run. If He has, please let me know. But as it stands now, He doesn't need our help.

When I look back on my life and I remember some of the prayers and desires of my heart, I find that I'm quite happy He has not answered most of them. Many times I have reminisced and winced at some of the immature and self-centered requests I have laid before God. The older I get, the more my prayers include thanks to the Lord for not answering my prayers. Now, I find myself praying that God do with me as He wills and that He teach me what He wants.

Since I am not God -- and the more I realize that -- the more I accept the fact that God knows a lot more than I do and is quite capable of seeing the future. He is perfectly able to weave into my life (and yours) answers and denials to prayer requests. In fact, He is quite good at providing for us in ways that we have never even conceived of. He is so wise and so perfect and so incredibly good, that we can trust completely Him to hear our prayers and know what is best for us, even if we don't lift it up to Him.

Now, sometimes this means that we must confess our ignorance before God since we do not understand why He will not answer some prayers such as healing others or saving others the way we want Him to. But, it is not for us to decide what is and is not answered. It is not our world. It is God's world. We are His people and we are to follow Him and seek His will in our lives, no matter what it is. He is to receive the glory, not us.

Have you tried to be the God of your own life? Have you tried to inform God how things should be done? Have you spent your prayer times expressing self-centered desires and wants? Of course, I have. But, I have also sought the will of God and asked the Lord to work His will in my life -- in spite of me. It is comforting to know that God is in control and that I am not. It is comforting to know that God loves me more than I can imagine. It is comforting to know that God can see the future and that He has it all mapped out for me. It is comforting to know that I'm trusting in an infinitely good and holy God and that He will provide for me, no matter what.

If you truly understand that there is a God and that you are not Him, then you can begin to relinquish your own rights, hopes, desires, and wants and submit them to His will. Bend your own will to submission to His work in your life. Trust Him in all things. He is God and you are not.

THANKS BE TO GOD for this truth!

©Betty Jean Bowers


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Do Young Adults today realize the reality of life?

Do Young Adults today realize the reality of life?


Contraction of give me.
adj. Slang
Demanding material things or especially money 

Disclaimer:  The following blog does not pertain to any specific person or persons.  It is an on-going narrative of some of the complaints and concerns about young adults who refuse to grow up and take responsibility for their life and actions.
Turn around and look at young adults today, and ask, have we raised a nation of children who believe the world owes them and we owe them? Do we realize in "giving them everything we missed or never had" failed to provide the greater gifts parents instill on children? Do divorced parents try to make up for time that may not be spent with the child/teen/young adult; or by placating when the parent might not be able to show up for an event or trying to out-do the other parent?  Have parents taught them about appreciation, respect, true self-worth and realistic goals and expectations? Or do we have a generation of rude, demanding, spoiled and lazy young adults? Do we call them the "gimme generation?"

Does the possibility exist that we have not taught our children that failure is the flipside of success and that life is full of success and failure, and that failure is not because a person is a loser, but instead a lesson for success in the future? Did we raise a generation of young adults where everyone is the same, no one is lesser or great, a sort of unrealistic utopia that the "real" world will crush later in life? While a positive self-image is undoubtedly positive for all children, but a positive self-image that borders on superhero, untouchable and perfect, how indeed will these children survive in a world beyond the shelter of over indulgent parents?

Have we become lax as a society about teaching the excesses can and do harm people one day. As we have created an artificial environment for many young adults, young adults without boundaries indulge in excessive behavior. A favorite excuse for excessive behavior is "we will die of something one day," so I am going to enjoy life, drink, get high, and indulge in sex unprotected or promiscuous behaviors. Perhaps there is truth to the expression of "Youth is wasted on the young." (George Bernard Shaw)  What is scary is when you see young people post YOLO – (You only live once).  More and more are not scared of the outcome of their choices.

Are words such as accountability and responsibility missing from the lives of so many young adults? Has the “Gimme” mentality allowed for the development of irresponsibility and the consequences of such actions? Have we taught our children empty words such as "I am sorry," but no authentic remorse or attempts to fix whatever the situation, paying for damage or other actions because true responsibility and accountability is lacking?

Perhaps we are too quick to remove those disciplines that raise children to be well-adjusted responsible and contributing adults. Perhaps we have forgotten the point of having children, and have evolved from instilling into children good solid values into bottomless pocketbooks of empty placations. "Things" never replace quality time spent with children teaching, sharing and loving them.

Children hitting, screaming, insulting and demanding of parents, when did such actions become acceptable, even condoned by parents? These behaviors are not teaching children respect for themselves, their families or communities. These behaviors are also shaped by the endless giving to children. Parents lose and children take control of the family situations providing an endless drama for families. Constructive discipline isn't abusive, but instead teaches important social skills and boundaries they will take into their future lives and families.

“Gimme” children have an endless pit of wishes and desires. "It's only, it's just, it's all I want," illustrate how many children do not know the cost of items, the value of time and effort, as they demand, beg, expect and whine for whatever item of the moment has their attention. Opportunities to encourage children to go out and earn these items so that they will appreciate the item are lost as our parents bring out the credit card, the bank card or the cash to purchase the item.  These grow up to be over indulgent, under appreciative young adults.

An unfortunate result of such actions is a belief by the “gimme generation” that they are owed by parents and the world owes them. Many “gimme” children lack ambition because they believe their parents must care for them for as long as they wish. These young people will admit they have been spoiled and blame their parents for their condition. Some of these young people will even go as far to say that "they didn't ask to be born so it is the parents' responsibility to care for them forever."

No easily quick solution exists to change this “gimme generation”. Too many parents are caught up in a give cycle, because they have busy schedules, work long hours and do not realize what is happening with their children. Unfortunately when many parents realize what has occurred with their children, the damage will be done and opportunities to raise well-adjusted children into adulthood are gone.

©Betty Jean Bowers

Thursday, August 30, 2012

9/11/2001 A day we will never forget

Planes crashing into buildings
in pictures from a disaster film
before our actual eyes
On the small screen filling our homes and offices
with scenes of terror so horrifying
they must be simulated

NO!  they are real!
Unable to comprehend
how anyone willingly could commit
these brutal acts of terror
Yet these images of harsh reality
become etched into our memory
As we watch the destruction
of a way of life

My concern for 3 year old son and my daughter at college
pulls me from the barrage of images on the screen in my office
and back into the reality of our day
He’s too young to know what has happened
yet sensing the anxiety in the air
When he sees me hurry through the door of day care to hold him
As I was holding my cell phone talking to my beautiful daughter.

Focusing on the exploration of his world
with a simple request of "Home"
His small hand placed trustingly in mine
to guide his own way
A little voice of hope for the future
As he nuzzled in my shoulder 

A nation, a world in tears
united in grief and loss
a tragedy so large
the loss so pervasive
the depth of emotions so great
no words can truly convey the mood

The sacrifice of so many lives
from so many countries
as we struggle to make some sense of the senseless
and look to answer the question
Yet many others saved
by acts of kindness from strangers
and in the mission thwarted
by last heroic acts of sacrifice and bravery

The eagle like the mighty phoenix
emerges from the ashes
bruised, but not beaten
stronger than ever
Out of the rubble of destruction
Seeds of hope
Stories of courage
Heroes emerge
our country unites

To learn and to change
so that it never happens again
To keep the memories of the events and the people alive
but to also keep living
If not for ourselves
for our way of life
for our freedom
for our children

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Reasons Why Churches Lose Members

1. Poor leadership
When families leave the church, even though I am not the pastor I make it a point to contact them.  Even if it only satisfies their need to still feel love from someone in the church.
I’ve asked them to share their honest feelings.  The most frequent answer is “We just don’t like the way things are running.” What church does not have problems?  But it seems problems grow like a fast-growing bacteria. 

·        Financial discrepancies worried the church members.

·        Morale problems infected the church members.

·        A lack of vision created an internal sickness within the congregation.

·        Members began to place blame for the troubles.

·        The leadership team has disregard for the morale.  Some have even been told, "If you don’t like the way I do things, maybe this is not the place for you.”

2. Different Style

I have watched people exit our church, but I have also seen them visit our church. When one couple visited our church, they confessed, “We just wanted something different.” Translated, that means they wished for a different style.

When church members leave your church, they might travel to another church because they yearn for another style of ministry. They desire a different style of preaching or worship. Consequently, their expectations of a church cause them to seek another one.  It’s time to take a closer look at your own church.

3.  Disillusionment

William D. Hendricks talks about a “dark side” to the church. He details numerous stories about people leaving their churches in his book, Exit Interviews. He writes, “Despite glowing reports of surging church attendance, more and more Christians in North America are feeling disillusioned with the church and other formal, institutional expressions of Christianity." (Chicago: Moody Press, 1993, p. 17)

These people remove themselves from the church out of frustration with structure or bureaucracy. I once heard of a man who left a church because it did not give enough to benevolence. He wanted the church to take its end-of-the month reserves and give to the poor. His frustration incited his exit. Disillusionment might cause people to avoid the church for the rest of their lives.  These problems need not to be overlooked.  Each should be addressed.  Please don't let this be on your list of things you are responsible for not doing when you meet your heavenly Father. 

5. Inner Hurts

A close church member invited me to lunch one day. He dropped a load of hurt into my lap. He talked about troubles with his children. He mentioned problems at work. He shocked me when he informed me of his imminent departure from our church. “It’s in the best interest of our family,” he softly spoke. I agonized over his words.  There was no changing his mind.

Self-doubt crept into my mind. What did we do wrong? What could we do to keep this family? What could we change to keep them happy? Why did we fail with this family? These thoughts bounce the heart when church members leave your church.

One year later I received news about the family. The sad news explained the couple’s divorce. I truly believe a deep inner hurt caused this family to leave the church. Rather than seek help in the church, they fled the church. They retreated to ease the surprise of their impending breakup.  I have observed this kind of church exit. A family sometimes leaves to conceal their child’s drug problem or a teenage pregnancy.

A single leaves feeling deserted by the church. Though people try to accept the single, she never feels a part of the church.  Her inner hurt keeps her from accepting herself. Some leave to seek answers to their hurt. Still others take flight to find the acceptance they have missed.  Take another look, why didn’t the church sense and fill this need? 

6. Church Size

Another reason church members may leave your church is the size of the church. Look into your outreach programs.  Are you filling the need of the community?  Remember what is correct for a church in your county seat may not be what reaches your close community. 


How to Handle the Departure
The reasons I’ve mentioned for leaving a church are not exhaustive. Neither do I intend to produce simplistic answers. The hard fact of the narrow road of ministry is that people do pack their bags to journey to another church. 

1. Learn From It

When church members leave your church, ministry lessons unfold. When I contact those who make the church exit; by listening, I learn about people. I also learn about myself. Better yet, I learn more about service to God.

A seminary student called his mentor. “I’m ready to quit,” he muttered in tones of despair. “One of our best deacons is leaving the church. He says it’s because of me.” “Son,” the wise mentor replied, “I’ve lost members in every church I’ve pastored. Focus on God’s call. Listen to people and learn from them. Work hard. Love Jesus. Love people. Then remember, you can’t ring everybody’s bell all the time. Trust God and do the best you can in serving the Lord.”

When church members leave your church, learn what you can from it. This is where churches fall short; they tend just to wave it off.

2. Pray For Them

Ultimately, when church members leave your church, concern for their spiritual condition should become primary. Pray that those people can find a church that feeds them spiritually. Ask God to provide healing for their hurts. Request the Lord’s guidance as they wander down uncertain trails. Praying for them nourishes their spiritual life. It also encourages your attitude toward them, especially if they spoke painful words upon their exit.  Still reach out to them showing love not chastisement or gossip.

3. Open the Gate

Leave the gate open. This may sound strange, but when church members leave your church, let them go. Begging them to stay serves little purpose. Always leave the gate open for their return. One of my greatest joys of ministry came because of an open gate. A family left for a new, fresh road to another church. Six months later, they wished to return. “Would it be okay if we came back?” they asked through a mutual friend. “Sure,” I said. The family returned.  It is the Lord’s church, and the best way to handle those who walk to another church is to remember this.  It is not YOUR church, it is GOD’S church.  Eugene Petersen challenges pastors not to become inflated in their self-perception. God works through people. We are to strive to be HIS vessel, not our own vessel for our own gain.  The church moves forward rhythmically like a clock ticking. He writes, “Years ago I noticed, as all pastors must, that when a pastor left a neighboring congregation, the congregational life carried on very well, thank you.” (TheContemplative Pastor, Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans, 1989)

Oh, they miss pastors who depart. But God has a way of supplying new ones.

The key is to remember, it’s the Lord’s church. Churches should focus on this truth. When they do, time heals wounds. Conflict embraces resolution. Anger gives way to joy. Emptiness surrenders to fullness. When the back door opens, God often brings twice the number in the front door. When the church is a revolving door, maybe the key to church growth is to have more coming than you do going.  

Step back and take a long look on what you are offering.  Would a “Secret worshiper” (same as secret shopper, just for churches) write a good reference for your church or even for you?  Would God’s representative, angels in disguise, be pleased when they visited?  Is God Himself pleased with the way the church people handle your church business? 

Take a HONEST long soul searching look at yourself and your church.  Are you pleasing God OR yourself?

Sunday, August 26, 2012

John 11:35 Jesus Wept

Jesus wept - It has been remarked that this is the shortest verse in the Bible; but it is exceedingly important and tender. It shows the Lord Jesus as a friend, a tender friend, and evinces his character as a man.    And from this we learn:
1. That the tenderest personal friendship is not inconsistent with the most pure religion. Piety binds stronger the tie of friendship, makes tenderer the emotions of love, and seals and sanctifies the affections of friends.
2. It is right, it is natural, and it is indispensable for the Christian to sympathize with others in their afflictions. Romans 12:15; "rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep." 
3. Sorrow at the death of friends is not improper. It is right to weep. It is the expression of nature and religion does not forbid or condemn it. All that religion does in the case is to temper and chasten our grief; to teach us to mourn with submission to God; to weep without complaining, and to seek to banish tears, not by hardening the heart or forgetting the friend, but by bringing the soul, made tender by grief, to receive the sweet influences of religion, and to find calmness and peace in the God of all consolation. 
4. We have here an instance of the tenderness of the character of Jesus, The same Savior wept over Jerusalem, and felt deeply for poor dying, sinners. To the same tender and compassionate Savior Christians may now come. Hebrews 4:15; and to him the penitent sinner may also come, knowing that he will not cast him away.

Monday, August 20, 2012

A true best friend is not gender exclusive

Best Friends are very special people in your life. They are the first people you think about when you make plans. They are the first people you go to when you need someone to talk to. You will phone them up just to talk about nothing, or the most important things in your life. When you’re sad they will try their hardest to cheer you up. They give the best hugs in the world! They are the shoulder to cry on, because you know that they truly care about you. In most cases they would take a bullet for you, coz it would be too painful to watch you get hurt. 

2 Girl best friends: They do all the girly things together, no one says anything. 

2 Boy best friends: They do all the boy stuff together, no one says anything.  

1 Boy + 1 Girl best friends: They do boy and girl stuff because they are there for each other.  Some closed minded people don’t understand you can have a platonic relationship.

I’ve tried to instill in all of my children that true best friends aren’t gender exclusive. 

So far so good; all evidence shows the lessons were learned.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Hand Cookies

Several things and events we do for our children when they are growing up --- sadly they don't remember.  It is sad sometimes, but then I remind myself - they are also my memories.

This recipe normally turned out making a mess in the kitchen with the children, but the giggles, faces, comments and out loud laughs were worth the clean up later.

This recipe I used on rainy Saturdays when the children were home and also once a year for girl scouts.

Hand Cookies



  • 1 1/2 cups granulated sugar
  • 1 1/3 cups shortening
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon grated orange or lemon zest
  • 2 whole eggs
  • 2 1/2 teaspoons milk
  • 4 cups all-purpose flour, plus more for dusting
  • 3 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

Egg Yolk Glaze:

  • 4 whole egg yolks
  • 2 drops food coloring per egg yolk, various colors


  • 4 cups powdered sugar
  • 2 sticks butter
  • 2 tablespoons heavy cream
  • Dash vanilla extract
  • Edible decorations, for decorating


For the cookies: Cream the granulated sugar, shortening, vanilla and orange zest thoroughly. Add the eggs and beat until light and fluffy. Add the milk and mix. Sift the flour, baking powder and salt, and then blend into the sugar mixture.

Divide the dough in half, slightly flatten between two sheets of waxed paper and refrigerate, about 1 hour (or freeze for 20 minutes).

For the egg yolk glaze: While dough is chilling, separate the eggs, reserving the whites and placing each yolk into an individual small bowl. Add 4 teaspoons water and different food coloring to each yolk and combine to make the egg yolk glaze.

Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface. Carefully cut around hands using a dull knife.

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.

Transfer the hand cookies to a lightly greased cookie sheet and paint the cookies (with a soft brush) with the egg yolk glazes.

Bake the cookies, about 6 minutes. Do not allow the cookies to brown.

Transfer the cookies from the oven to a wire rack to cool.

While the cookies are cooling, make the frosting: Simply combine the powdered sugar, butter, heavy cream and vanilla in a food mixer until light and fluffy. If you like you can put the frosting in disposable piping bags to make decorating easier. Decorate the cookies with the frosting and any edible decorations, jewels, disco dust, sanding sugar you like.

©Betty Jean Bowers

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Preachers: Stop Preaching Self, And Preach Christ

Preachers: Stop Preaching Self, And Preach Christ

It Is Not The Messenger, It Is The Message

God's Word Has Power, It Needs No Help 

Preachers are those who declare the Gospel. God places a lot of responsibility on Preachers, because they are declaring His Gospel Message. Preachers are to present God's Word (Bible) to the world, so that all can be saved. God said in 2 Peter 3:9 and it reads, "Not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” God's intent is that all be saved, but unfortunately everyone will not be saved, because some will not believe the Gospel or accept Christ as Savior. The reason some will not be saved is due to their own stubbornness or unbelief, AND that some Preachers will be responsible for some who don't come to repentance. Now, why did I say some Preachers will be responsible? This is the reason why, Paul said in Galatians 2:20 and it reads, “I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless, I live, yet not I, but Christ lives in me, and the life I live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God Who loved me, and gave Himself for me."   Paul was saying that he was with Christ and Christ was in him, in fact, Paul was saying everything about him, reflected Christ. The life he lived was not his own, but Christ's. Some Preachers today fail to show this reflection of Christ, that is why I say some Preachers are responsible for some who don't come to be saved.

Don't get me wrong, there are good Preachers out there, but there are also some who are the complete opposite of the Apostle Paul. These Preachers believe they are “walking wonders “and there are people who actually believe these Preachers are “walking wonders.” These “walking wonders” always carry a proud, self-righteous air and demeanor.  When I say “preaching self ", I mean they are getting the people to focus more on them than on God's Message. When the congregation gets through looking at them, they have forgotten what the message they preached was about. These “walking wonders " have taken the focus off God's Message and have put the focus on themselves.

This is in stark contrast to how the Apostle Paul felt about preaching God's Message.  The Apostle Paul said in Romans 1:15 and it reads, " so, as much as in me is, I am ready to preach the Gospel to you that are at Rome also.” Paul did not care, who, what, or where, he said he was ready to preach the Gospel. Praise The Lord!  Paul said in 1 Corinthians 1:17 and it reads, “For God sent me not to baptize, but to preach the Gospel.” Preachers, your reward is supposed to be in heaven. Preachers need to come out of the world and commit themselves to God's Spirit. If God has given the Word to you to preach, then you should feel as Paul, for he said in 1 Corinthians 9:16 and it reads, " For though I preach the Gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me if I preach not the Gospel.” Preaching the Gospel was Paul's gift and calling, and he said he could not stop even if he wanted to. Paul was driven by the desire to do what God wanted, using his gifts for God's Glory. Preachers, let me tell you, being like Paul, preaching and living for God the way he did, now that is a real “Walking Wonder.”

I say to all Preachers today, you all should use Paul as an example. This is, because Paul had an amazingly selfless attitude. Even though Paul knew that some were preaching to build their own reputations (like some preachers today), they were taking advantage of Paul's imprisonment to try to make a name for themselves. But, regardless of the motives of these preachers (which was using Paul's imprisonment to make a name for themselves), Paul did not care about that, what made Paul happy was that the Gospel was being preached. Some Preachers serve for the wrong reasons, God doesn't excuse their motives, but He can still use the Message, because it His Message. The reasons these " walking wonders " think so much of themselves, is that when they preach and the congregation start shouting and praising God, coming to the altar at the same time to be saved, these "walking wonders " think it is because of the humph they put in the Message, they also feel it’s the way they danced in front of the congregation in other words they feel they gave God's Message power.  If a person truly believes, it is from the seed of the Word of God, the messenger has no power.

The Lord said in Isaiah 55:11 and it reads, " So will My Word be which goes forth from My Mouth; It will not return to Me empty, without accomplishing what I desire, without succeeding in the matter for which I sent It. " Give God The Glory! God's Word need no help from the Preachers, God's Word is living, life-changing, and dynamic as it works in us. With the incisiveness of a surgeon's knife, God's Word reveals who we are, and what we are not. It penetrates the core of our moral and spiritual life. It discerns what is within us, both good and evil. To sum it all up, you Preachers who think of yourself more highly than you ought to, you are not “walking wonders” but God's Word which you should be preaching is the only “WONDER" our Souls are in need of.

Why did God make you a woman?

God created woman with a strength all her own. Unfortunately, most women in our society today have been so busy trying to be men, which they have totally missed out on the inherent power of being ladies.  As Christian women, we can sometimes get caught up in getting things accomplished. When you slow down, it allows God to use His Word to show you who you were really created to be; not only as a woman, but as a Woman of God. 

Why Did God Make You a Woman? 

To Fix a Serious Problem

Now the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him.   -Genesis 2:18 

Of course, I am NOT implying that Christian single women have no place in God's plan. All women have a vital purpose.   But to understand our true intent, we must look at where the first thought of women appeared.

It is amazing to think that, in the entire story of creation, this is the only time that God says "It is not good."

 And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed and God saw that it was good.-Genesis 1:12

And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night and God saw that it was good. -Genesis 1:16-18

Genesis continues on describing the beauty and wonder of God calling all creation into being.  And, as they say, "it was all good!"

But, all of a sudden, there was trouble in paradise!

15 The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. 16 And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.”

18 The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a help meet suitable for him.”

Something was not good.

Enter you – Woman, the answer to the problem.

My Oh My.  How things can get lost in translation.

I am not sure if you can relate, but in the past, whenever I have heard the words help meet, I always felt so secondary.  Like God’s afterthought.   "Is that all I am," I wondered, "Someone's help meet? And what in the world is a help meet anyways?"  But, to an all knowing God, there is no such thing as an afterthought.

He knew as He formed Adam with His hands, that He was hiding the beauty and strength of Eve deep inside of Him. And that He would only unveil her after He made a very important point:  a world without woman is a world that is "not good." 

Now, you will have to forgive me. I usually try not to get in to very minute details. But when we are talking about why God created you, I think it is more than necessary to be thorough.

 So, here goes a quick lesson in Hebrew:  God said, "I will make him a (n) ezer" (Genesis 2:18). 

First off, the Hebrew language is very different from English.  

A single word in the English language could represent several different words in the Hebrew language. Each individual Hebrew word would have a more in depth meaning than its English counterpart. 

There are different Hebrew words that we translate as help. 

The Hebrew term "ezer" is actually based on an ancient word "azar." The Strongs Hebrew dictionary translates it as "to surround, i.e. protect or aid:--help, succour." 

I personally had to look up the word succour. It means to be the one who gives assistance in a time of great difficulty.  If we look in the Bible for other instances when we see ezer used instead of other words that mean help, we see something very interesting.  It was usually used by believers who were in grave danger! They needed a special kind of help.  They needed to be surrounded with protection.  They needed the One who gives assistance in a time of great danger.  

They needed an ezer!  

Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers the snare is broken, and we are escaped.

Our help [is] in the name of the LORD, who made heaven and earth.-Psalm 124:7, 8

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 Ye that fear the LORD, trust in the LORD:

 He is their help and their shield.-Psalm 115:11

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 And my personal favorite:

I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.

 My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth. -Psalms 121:1 & 2

After looking at those scriptures, and many others using the word, I personally think that the usual translation of ezer as "help meet" does not quite capture the true meaning of the word.

What do you think?  

God has called you so much more than just a helper. Just like Eve, God created you because there was a serious problem. And, He uniquely designed you to fix it.  This world needs the gifts that God has stored on the inside of you.  Make no mistake. When God gave the commission to subdue the Earth, Eve was not excluded from the mandate! 

And God blessed them, and God said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion..."-Genesis 1:28

You are important to God, and you are important to the world. You have a strength and beauty all your own. Ask God to reveal it to you so that you can become the Ezer you were destined to be since the creation of the world.