Thursday, August 16, 2012

Preachers: Stop Preaching Self, And Preach Christ

Preachers: Stop Preaching Self, And Preach Christ

It Is Not The Messenger, It Is The Message

God's Word Has Power, It Needs No Help 

Preachers are those who declare the Gospel. God places a lot of responsibility on Preachers, because they are declaring His Gospel Message. Preachers are to present God's Word (Bible) to the world, so that all can be saved. God said in 2 Peter 3:9 and it reads, "Not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” God's intent is that all be saved, but unfortunately everyone will not be saved, because some will not believe the Gospel or accept Christ as Savior. The reason some will not be saved is due to their own stubbornness or unbelief, AND that some Preachers will be responsible for some who don't come to repentance. Now, why did I say some Preachers will be responsible? This is the reason why, Paul said in Galatians 2:20 and it reads, “I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless, I live, yet not I, but Christ lives in me, and the life I live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God Who loved me, and gave Himself for me."   Paul was saying that he was with Christ and Christ was in him, in fact, Paul was saying everything about him, reflected Christ. The life he lived was not his own, but Christ's. Some Preachers today fail to show this reflection of Christ, that is why I say some Preachers are responsible for some who don't come to be saved.

Don't get me wrong, there are good Preachers out there, but there are also some who are the complete opposite of the Apostle Paul. These Preachers believe they are “walking wonders “and there are people who actually believe these Preachers are “walking wonders.” These “walking wonders” always carry a proud, self-righteous air and demeanor.  When I say “preaching self ", I mean they are getting the people to focus more on them than on God's Message. When the congregation gets through looking at them, they have forgotten what the message they preached was about. These “walking wonders " have taken the focus off God's Message and have put the focus on themselves.

This is in stark contrast to how the Apostle Paul felt about preaching God's Message.  The Apostle Paul said in Romans 1:15 and it reads, " so, as much as in me is, I am ready to preach the Gospel to you that are at Rome also.” Paul did not care, who, what, or where, he said he was ready to preach the Gospel. Praise The Lord!  Paul said in 1 Corinthians 1:17 and it reads, “For God sent me not to baptize, but to preach the Gospel.” Preachers, your reward is supposed to be in heaven. Preachers need to come out of the world and commit themselves to God's Spirit. If God has given the Word to you to preach, then you should feel as Paul, for he said in 1 Corinthians 9:16 and it reads, " For though I preach the Gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me if I preach not the Gospel.” Preaching the Gospel was Paul's gift and calling, and he said he could not stop even if he wanted to. Paul was driven by the desire to do what God wanted, using his gifts for God's Glory. Preachers, let me tell you, being like Paul, preaching and living for God the way he did, now that is a real “Walking Wonder.”

I say to all Preachers today, you all should use Paul as an example. This is, because Paul had an amazingly selfless attitude. Even though Paul knew that some were preaching to build their own reputations (like some preachers today), they were taking advantage of Paul's imprisonment to try to make a name for themselves. But, regardless of the motives of these preachers (which was using Paul's imprisonment to make a name for themselves), Paul did not care about that, what made Paul happy was that the Gospel was being preached. Some Preachers serve for the wrong reasons, God doesn't excuse their motives, but He can still use the Message, because it His Message. The reasons these " walking wonders " think so much of themselves, is that when they preach and the congregation start shouting and praising God, coming to the altar at the same time to be saved, these "walking wonders " think it is because of the humph they put in the Message, they also feel it’s the way they danced in front of the congregation in other words they feel they gave God's Message power.  If a person truly believes, it is from the seed of the Word of God, the messenger has no power.

The Lord said in Isaiah 55:11 and it reads, " So will My Word be which goes forth from My Mouth; It will not return to Me empty, without accomplishing what I desire, without succeeding in the matter for which I sent It. " Give God The Glory! God's Word need no help from the Preachers, God's Word is living, life-changing, and dynamic as it works in us. With the incisiveness of a surgeon's knife, God's Word reveals who we are, and what we are not. It penetrates the core of our moral and spiritual life. It discerns what is within us, both good and evil. To sum it all up, you Preachers who think of yourself more highly than you ought to, you are not “walking wonders” but God's Word which you should be preaching is the only “WONDER" our Souls are in need of.

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