Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Teaching your Children How to Pray

Make a prayer box. Cover a shoe box with craft paper and let your child(ren) decorate it.
Then place in it these items to teach prayer. These items or similar ones may be drawn out one at a time.
A- Adoration: Praise God for who He is.
-play money or coins: God is our Provider (1 Tim. 6:17)
-Band Aids: God is our healer (Psalm 103:3)
-wrapped Lifesaver candy: He saves us (Matthew 1:21)
C- Confession: Repent of sin.
-Mr. Potato Head tongue: teasing, arguing, lying (James 1:26)
-wooden spoon: stirring up trouble (Proverbs 10:12)
-compact mirror: being selfish and having bad attitudes (Psalm 139:23-24)
T- Thanksgiving: Express gratitude.
-a popsicle stick cross: for Jesus and salvation
-a pocket Bible: for God’s Word
-a small photo album: for friends and family
S- Supplication: make requests for others and myself.
-toy car: for safety in travel
-little flashlight: for God’s light to show the way
-a watch: for spending time with family, friends, and Jesus.
-old glasses: to ‘see’ the people in need around us and how to help them
-a pencil: for success in school

(Taught in P.R.A.Y. classes)

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